Friday, December 07, 2012
Very bad TIme management
Bukan mau cakap saya ni perfect pasal time management tapi at least saya tidak suka menangguhkan suatu perkara atau kerja yang boleh diselesaikan.
Yalah, Urang bilang bertangguh itu pencuri masa. Memang betul. 100% betul punya.
Bila sudah last-last minit baru kalang kabut mo kasi siap semua kerja.sedangkan sebelum tu masa yang terluang tidak digunakan sebaik-baiknya.Cubalah kasi selesai dulu tu kerja baru rilek2. Jangan menyusahkan diri sendiri dan yang paling penting jangan menyusahkan orang lain.
Satu lagi. Kalau sudah buat janji..contohnya, "Esok jumpa pukul 9" atau "Esok kita gerak pukul 9".
Orang sudah lama siap,sebelum pukul 9 lagi.Pukul 9 ready mau gerak tapi terpaksa menunggu lagi untuk setengah jam.Sebab orang yang satu lagi baru mandi lah,baru pakai baju lah...hadui....very bad time management...
The first thing yang kena ingat sebelum melengah-lengah kan masa adalah orang yang menunggu kita, orang yang expect kerja kita siap on given date and time.So, pandai-pandailah atur tu masa.Kalau orang buat kita menunggu kita suka kah?? tidak kan? Jadeey??
Thursday, December 06, 2012
IMegresen Kuching SArawak
Bukannya apa,tiada masa mau p minta extend permit bah.Hari ni rancang-rancag lah kunun maw p pejabat imegresen.Jadi keluar dari kelas dalam pukul 12.30pm trus p pejabat dengan uniform.Tumpang teksi ja...tiada kerita ku di sini gamanzzz....kana kasi berenti diluar gate ja,teksi nda buli masuk dalam..hadoi...
Sa p dengan kawan sa...kami sama2 terover stay ni..kasi sedia-sedia kana cuci telinga.Sampai2 ja d pejabat imegresen d tingkat 1, panjang sudah barisan ni..terpaksa lah ikut beratur..lama jugalah menunggu, 2:15 pm baru tu kaunter start berkhidmat..hoho..
sekali sampai giliran sa,"ni buat di tingkat dua"...alamak......lagi satu kerugian masa dan tenaga bediri...Jadey,bejalan lagilah p tingkat 2..kawan sa ngam di tingkat 1 sebab dia baru mo buat pasport.Sa ada pasport ja, Minta cop untuk extend saja.
sampai di tingkat dua,sa pi ja mana-mana kaunter,.di sini kurang sikit urang@pelanggan.Sa dingar ada kana panggil number, tapi tempat ambil number tiada. Jadi sa tanya lah tu amoi di kaunter "mana tempat ambil numbur?"Pastu dia tanya saya.."apa urusan?".Pastu sa kasi tau lah mo extend untuk date stay disini sebab mau belajar.Sa bagi lah pasport sa sama surat tawaran dan surat pengesahan.Trus dia bilang, "Kitak ari KSKB na?" Sa angguk kepala."kitak dah overstay tok".Sekali lagi sa angguk."Jumpa Mr.D**,tu di kaunter 11".Sa bawalah sa punya dokumen-dokumen d kaunter 11.Jumpa dengan Mr.D.Pastu sa panggil nama dia "Mr.D,boleh tanya?"
Trus muka dia macam tekejut ni. Dia trus tanya sa "pernah jumpa saya ka sebelum ni?"
"tidak."."Macamna tau nama saya?" Sa senyum trus tunjuk (pakai ibu jari) tu amoi d kaunter sebelah."ohhh" SUSPEN..HAHAHA!
Nah,sekali dia tingu pasport sa..sudahlah telebih extend.Visa pun teda.Isi borang biru pun teda...pindik kata,semua teda lah...Sa minta mahap ja...tapi,dia kasi benar juga sa extend sa puna visit pass sampai febuari 2013. Pastu menunggu kana panggil lagi oleh Mr.D.
Kana panggil lah sa masuk pejabat, kena ceramah lah saya tentang procedure yang betul dan yang sepatutnya...pening juga kepala dingar. Banyak betul yang mau di urus.Isi itu,Isi ini,photostat IC, photostat surat beranak...photostat pasport.Yang ni untuk urusan "professional pass" pun xtau apa tu benda.lebih kurang macam visa tu lah..untuk sa melanjutkan stay sa di bumi Kenyalang ini diatas alasan belajar.
Sekali sudah bebuh-buih mulut dia kasi terang sampai siap bagi personal punya numbur telepon lagi..last-last sa cakap.."Tapi,sa disini sampai bukan January saja...Habis study sudah.."
Pastu dia bilang,"Eh,kalau macam tu..tidak payah lah buat pass yang ni..sudah alang2..lagipun kamu punya pasport sudah extend sampai febuari 2013".
Sa tanya juga,kalau macam tu sa teda masalah ka kalau d airport nanti..dia bilang teda.Cakap ja sa p melancong.HAHA! Bah,Ok...melancong 6 bulan..Wowww...Bah, terima kasih lah..kurang juga urusan..banyak lagi tugasan bulum siap...
Jadi,nasihat sa untuk bakal2 kawan2 yang maw p study d sarawak..terutamanya yang mo study d KSKB Kuching..sila baca di bawah :
- Pijak ja bumi sarawak, Bah ingat mo p buat tu pass professional untuk pass kamu melanjutkan stay kamu dibumi Sarawak sampai habis tempoh belajar.
- Kumpul nama-nama kawan-kawan yang lain (Sabah dan Semenanjung) dan hantar dengan pengajar.Bagitau lah,nama-nama tu perlu surat yang menyatakan kamu belajar dikolej tu selama seperti yang di nyatakan di dalam surat tawaran.
- Semua urusan tu sebenarnya diuruskan oleh pihak kolej.
- Dokumen yang di perlu kan :
a)Bagi yang baru mau buat passport (BIRU) :
-2 keping gambar pasport
-sekeping photostat IC
-sekeping Photostat Surat beranak.
b)bagi yang sudah ada pasport dan hanya perlu untuk professional pass
-2 keping gambar pasport
-2 Photostat Passport bahagian yang ada muka kamu
-2 Photostat surat beranak
-Surat tawaran (ori)
Untuk Lebih lanjut...sila tanya pengajar anda.... ^_^
ini hanya berdasarkan pengalaman saya sahaja....makaseh...
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
ABG for Dummies
Co2 48 ----------> acidic
HCo3 28 ----------> alkali
Co2 48 ----------> acidic
HCo3 28 ----------> alkali
Co2 48 ----------> acidic
HCo3 28 ----------> alkali
- Fully compensated
- Partially Compensated
- No Compensation
- Kidney or lung still in normal value. One of them in bad shape though...LOL
its like this : kidney abnormal and lung normal or vice versa. - Or both of them goes in same way...both acidic or both alkali.
Co2 48 ----------> acidic
HCo3 28 ----------> alkali
Monday, November 26, 2012
Why talk so LOUD on the phone?
I have an allergies to those who spoke so loud on the phone. It really makes me upset almost all of the time, unless I knew the person is having hearing problem.
Control your volume
I guess you don't unless your ear got volume filter.
What will I feel when someone talk so loud on the phone ?
- Irritated
- Upset
- Think like " Seriouslly???? "
- Feel like just want to hit the red button and end of the conversation means peace to my ear.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Pengalaman mendaki gunung kinabalu via Mesilau trail 2011
Salah satu pemandangan yang indah :P |
Air terjun di perjalanan |
KM 4.5 masa ni sa betul2 sudah letih..
saya mengambil keputusan duduk berehat sekejap,
makan cloud 9 dan minum air..sepanjang perjalanan
sebelum sampai disini, saya telah kehabisan air
dan mengambil keputusan untuk minum
air paip yang ada di beberapa perhentian
di sepanjang perjalanan.Memang betul2 mencabar...
selepas berehat selama 5 minit saya meneruskan
perjalanan dan menyumbat telinga dengan mp3.
Berkabus |
Tiba dikawasan ini..saya teruja dengan
pemandangan yang cantik..wahhh....
hilang segala rasa penat..saya berhenti
sekejap menikmati pemandangan..
Bikin takut juga waktu di sini..bunyi angin kuat,
berkabus...terasa macam ada hujan
( sebenarnya kabus )..
gate besi tu....sempat ambil gambar sebelum menuju
ke mini bas yang sedang menunggu ketibaan kami
dan menghantar kami ke Sabah Park.
Tiba di Sabah Park, makan lagi...
Tapi, saya terlalu penat untuk melantak...
makanan yang dihidangkan memang sedap..
Tapi, I'm so damn tired..
kawan-kawan yang lain :)
- Kaki sakit.Susah untuk begerak.
- pinggul lebam - ambik masa 5 hari untuk sembuh.
- Gastric-mungkin sebab painkiller.
- Jantung berdegup perlahan
-selepas kerja keras 2 hari..
masa ni jantung saya cuma
berdegup 56 beats per minute,
kalau dikira sudah bradycardia tu...
tapi hanya sementara ja..untuk beberapa minggu..
bagi masa untuk badan kamu menyesuaikan diri.
Injection 2 kali.1 injection Intramuscular,1
lagi Intravenous...haha!Anyway, saya puas hati...
sebab dah conquer Gunung Kinabalu.... !!!!
telefon masih berfungsi ( service masih ada ) :)
membaca pengalaman saya :)
~The greatest pleasure in life is
Doing something that people say
you cannot do ~ : Prove it,they are wrong !!
Saturday, November 24, 2012
MAU BAliKKkkkkk!
Adui, punyalah rindu sama family,my fiancee
and kawan-kawan...and yang paling utama,
boring sudah di sini. Mau balikkkkkkkk!!!
Petang ni sa buka buku,teringat dengan exam
yang tidak lama lagi. Tefikir tentang research
yang belum separuh jalan...Mentor pun susah
mo jumpa. Case study yang masih terumbang-ambing,
Belum lagi ATLS dengan viva...Cepatlah...
sa mo balik sudah ni betul2...
sa nda sabar mo balik....
Friday, November 23, 2012
I looked up and saw one little boy age of nine in his arm with so much blood on his body. The blood is whooshing from the boy's body ... at this point, I'm not sure where it's coming from. Oh, God!
I guided the father to resuscitation room or red zone. Alerted the doctor and got help from ward's staff. Gave patient oxygen and set up all the cardiac monitor and blood pressure cuff. While doing everything I realize that there was a huge, deep, and open trauma on his back at the scapula region. I can see through it.
I instructed the hospital assistant to help me press the wound to stop the bleeding. As I helped the doctor in assisting him in intubation. At this point, I thought only a miracle can stop the bleeding. A few minutes felt like hours - "Where is the other staff?"
"Please I need help! I need someone to set the IV cannula! This boy is losing so much blood!" After successful intubation, I gave chest compression while the father was helping in giving manual ventilation through bag ventilation mask - with a lot of tears in his eyes while the doctor is trying to get vein for IV. An RN arrived, she stepped back after seeing so much blood. "Sorry, I can't stand to see all the blood." I was shocked when the words came out from her mouth.
"Oh, My God! Help me please. Get me someone else!"
Being new RN grad and working in this small center makes me have to work on myself really hard with a little experience. On that day, I'm working afternoon shift with two hospital assistant and one medical officer and it's on a holiday! I'm putting all my knowledge and what I learn through the three years of nursing school and clinical.
The center that hired me is small but have a BIG sign of EMERGENCY 24 HOURS outside of the building with a bright light and you can saw it from 1000 meter far but the facilities and staffing is poor. That condition put my career and other patient's life in danger.
I just graduated 8 month ago from nursing school and have only 6 months of working experience and they put me as in charge RN all by my own with one doctor and a hospital assistant who doesn't even know how to take blood pressure.
This boy could have been saved if a proper management, fluid resuscitation, and controlling the bleeding by binding and compressing the wound. When the doctor gave instructions to stop the resuscitation I couldn't hold my tears.
Now, after four years in nursing I never forget what happened on that day. I still think about the RN who chose not enter the resuscitation room cause of the bloody body. I remember blaming the hospital management for their poor management and staffing. I even blamed myself for the lack of knowledge and experience I had. I learned from his father that his son was hit by a car while cycling in their resident area and that day was the boy's birthday.
Being a nurse and by choosing this career, we must be aware that we will be responsible for saving people. We need to accept that seeing blood is routine. Please don't sacrifice another person's life by choosing this career if you do not have the stomach for it.
For those newly graduated RN, you will be facing 1001 kind of cases and incident through your career. Some will make you feel inadequate. Never give up. It's just another way for you to learn - to become a great nurse. Go on and never stop learning!
I quit from the hospital and looking for new job at well organized center. Now, I'm in the middle of taking my Advance Emergency Medical Trauma Care certification and I never forget the incident that happen on that day. From that day, I promised myself to become the best nurse that I can be. A nurse who can handle any emergency conditions and save lives.
This is an article I copy from
Hope this story can motivate the new nurses or nurse wannabe ;)
BuBBle and caNNula
Apa guna Injection port pada cannula?
1.Giving Iv injection.
2.Flushing the cannula
3.Remove bubble or air from the infusion set (connected to drip)------- WHAT????
Well, answer 1 and 2 is correct but how about no.3??
Have someone told you this before?
Have you seen someone do this before?
kononnya releasing the air out from the cannula through the injection port by open it and wait for the bubble go through it..NONSENSE!
No nursing school teach,
Dear Nurses out there who practicing this or saw someone practicing this..this is wrong practice and it is now spreading like an infectious disease.
Very bad TIme management
Bad time management 0Seriously??
Bukan mau cakap saya ni perfect pasal time management tapi at least saya tidak suka menangguhkan suatu perkara atau kerja yang boleh diselesaikan.
Yalah, Urang bilang bertangguh itu pencuri masa. Memang betul. 100% betul punya.
Bila sudah last-last minit baru kalang kabut mo kasi siap semua kerja.sedangkan sebelum tu masa yang terluang tidak digunakan sebaik-baiknya.Cubalah kasi selesai dulu tu kerja baru rilek2. Jangan menyusahkan diri sendiri dan yang paling penting jangan menyusahkan orang lain.
Satu lagi. Kalau sudah buat janji..contohnya, "Esok jumpa pukul 9" atau "Esok kita gerak pukul 9".
Orang sudah lama siap,sebelum pukul 9 lagi.Pukul 9 ready mau gerak tapi terpaksa menunggu lagi untuk setengah jam.Sebab orang yang satu lagi baru mandi lah,baru pakai baju lah...hadui....very bad time management...
The first thing yang kena ingat sebelum melengah-lengah kan masa adalah orang yang menunggu kita, orang yang expect kerja kita siap on given date and time.So, pandai-pandailah atur tu masa.Kalau orang buat kita menunggu kita suka kah?? tidak kan? Jadeey??
IMegresen Kuching SArawak
imegresen kuching, KSKB kuching, Pass pelawat Sarawak 0Mesti dah tahu kan? Kalau asal bukan miak Sarawak mesti wat passport kalau nak stay kat sini more than 90 days.Tapi sa sdah terrr...lebih overstay selama sebulan.
Bukannya apa,tiada masa mau p minta extend permit bah.Hari ni rancang-rancag lah kunun maw p pejabat imegresen.Jadi keluar dari kelas dalam pukul 12.30pm trus p pejabat dengan uniform.Tumpang teksi ja...tiada kerita ku di sini gamanzzz....kana kasi berenti diluar gate ja,teksi nda buli masuk dalam..hadoi...
Sa p dengan kawan sa...kami sama2 terover stay ni..kasi sedia-sedia kana cuci telinga.Sampai2 ja d pejabat imegresen d tingkat 1, panjang sudah barisan ni..terpaksa lah ikut beratur..lama jugalah menunggu, 2:15 pm baru tu kaunter start berkhidmat..hoho..
sekali sampai giliran sa,"ni buat di tingkat dua"...alamak......lagi satu kerugian masa dan tenaga bediri...Jadey,bejalan lagilah p tingkat 2..kawan sa ngam di tingkat 1 sebab dia baru mo buat pasport.Sa ada pasport ja, Minta cop untuk extend saja.
sampai di tingkat dua,sa pi ja mana-mana kaunter,.di sini kurang sikit urang@pelanggan.Sa dingar ada kana panggil number, tapi tempat ambil number tiada. Jadi sa tanya lah tu amoi di kaunter "mana tempat ambil numbur?"Pastu dia tanya saya.."apa urusan?".Pastu sa kasi tau lah mo extend untuk date stay disini sebab mau belajar.Sa bagi lah pasport sa sama surat tawaran dan surat pengesahan.Trus dia bilang, "Kitak ari KSKB na?" Sa angguk kepala."kitak dah overstay tok".Sekali lagi sa angguk."Jumpa Mr.D**,tu di kaunter 11".Sa bawalah sa punya dokumen-dokumen d kaunter 11.Jumpa dengan Mr.D.Pastu sa panggil nama dia "Mr.D,boleh tanya?"
Trus muka dia macam tekejut ni. Dia trus tanya sa "pernah jumpa saya ka sebelum ni?"
"tidak."."Macamna tau nama saya?" Sa senyum trus tunjuk (pakai ibu jari) tu amoi d kaunter sebelah."ohhh" SUSPEN..HAHAHA!
Nah,sekali dia tingu pasport sa..sudahlah telebih extend.Visa pun teda.Isi borang biru pun teda...pindik kata,semua teda lah...Sa minta mahap ja...tapi,dia kasi benar juga sa extend sa puna visit pass sampai febuari 2013. Pastu menunggu kana panggil lagi oleh Mr.D.
Kana panggil lah sa masuk pejabat, kena ceramah lah saya tentang procedure yang betul dan yang sepatutnya...pening juga kepala dingar. Banyak betul yang mau di urus.Isi itu,Isi ini,photostat IC, photostat surat beranak...photostat pasport.Yang ni untuk urusan "professional pass" pun xtau apa tu benda.lebih kurang macam visa tu lah..untuk sa melanjutkan stay sa di bumi Kenyalang ini diatas alasan belajar.
Sekali sudah bebuh-buih mulut dia kasi terang sampai siap bagi personal punya numbur telepon lagi..last-last sa cakap.."Tapi,sa disini sampai bukan January saja...Habis study sudah.."
Pastu dia bilang,"Eh,kalau macam tu..tidak payah lah buat pass yang ni..sudah alang2..lagipun kamu punya pasport sudah extend sampai febuari 2013".
Sa tanya juga,kalau macam tu sa teda masalah ka kalau d airport nanti..dia bilang teda.Cakap ja sa p melancong.HAHA! Bah,Ok...melancong 6 bulan..Wowww...Bah, terima kasih lah..kurang juga urusan..banyak lagi tugasan bulum siap...
Jadi,nasihat sa untuk bakal2 kawan2 yang maw p study d sarawak..terutamanya yang mo study d KSKB Kuching..sila baca di bawah :
- Pijak ja bumi sarawak, Bah ingat mo p buat tu pass professional untuk pass kamu melanjutkan stay kamu dibumi Sarawak sampai habis tempoh belajar.
- Kumpul nama-nama kawan-kawan yang lain (Sabah dan Semenanjung) dan hantar dengan pengajar.Bagitau lah,nama-nama tu perlu surat yang menyatakan kamu belajar dikolej tu selama seperti yang di nyatakan di dalam surat tawaran.
- Semua urusan tu sebenarnya diuruskan oleh pihak kolej.
- Dokumen yang di perlu kan :
a)Bagi yang baru mau buat passport (BIRU) :
-2 keping gambar pasport
-sekeping photostat IC
-sekeping Photostat Surat beranak.
b)bagi yang sudah ada pasport dan hanya perlu untuk professional pass
-2 keping gambar pasport
-2 Photostat Passport bahagian yang ada muka kamu
-2 Photostat surat beranak
-Surat tawaran (ori)
Untuk Lebih lanjut...sila tanya pengajar anda.... ^_^
ini hanya berdasarkan pengalaman saya sahaja....makaseh...
ABG for Dummies
ABG, Arterial blood gases, emergency, Job, nurses 9Co2 48 ----------> acidic
HCo3 28 ----------> alkali
Co2 48 ----------> acidic
HCo3 28 ----------> alkali
Co2 48 ----------> acidic
HCo3 28 ----------> alkali
- Fully compensated
- Partially Compensated
- No Compensation
- Kidney or lung still in normal value. One of them in bad shape though...LOL
its like this : kidney abnormal and lung normal or vice versa. - Or both of them goes in same way...both acidic or both alkali.
Co2 48 ----------> acidic
HCo3 28 ----------> alkali
Why talk so LOUD on the phone?
Life, Manner, Personlity 0
I have an allergies to those who spoke so loud on the phone. It really makes me upset almost all of the time, unless I knew the person is having hearing problem.
Control your volume bitch dude. Do you like it when someone talk so loud at you on the phone??
I guess you don't unless your ear got volume filter.
What will I feel when someone talk so loud on the phone ?
- Irritated
- Upset
- Think like " Seriouslly???? "
- Feel like just want to hit the red button and end of the conversation means peace to my ear.
Pengalaman mendaki gunung kinabalu via Mesilau trail 2011
Mesilau, Mount Kinabalu, Sabah, Travel 7Salah satu pemandangan yang indah :P |
Air terjun di perjalanan |
KM 4.5 masa ni sa betul2 sudah letih..
saya mengambil keputusan duduk berehat sekejap,
makan cloud 9 dan minum air..sepanjang perjalanan
sebelum sampai disini, saya telah kehabisan air
dan mengambil keputusan untuk minum
air paip yang ada di beberapa perhentian
di sepanjang perjalanan.Memang betul2 mencabar...
selepas berehat selama 5 minit saya meneruskan
perjalanan dan menyumbat telinga dengan mp3.
Berkabus |
Tiba dikawasan ini..saya teruja dengan
pemandangan yang cantik..wahhh....
hilang segala rasa penat..saya berhenti
sekejap menikmati pemandangan..
Bikin takut juga waktu di sini..bunyi angin kuat,
berkabus...terasa macam ada hujan
( sebenarnya kabus )..
gate besi tu....sempat ambil gambar sebelum menuju
ke mini bas yang sedang menunggu ketibaan kami
dan menghantar kami ke Sabah Park.
Tiba di Sabah Park, makan lagi...
Tapi, saya terlalu penat untuk melantak...
makanan yang dihidangkan memang sedap..
Tapi, I'm so damn tired..
kawan-kawan yang lain :)
- Kaki sakit.Susah untuk begerak.
- pinggul lebam - ambik masa 5 hari untuk sembuh.
- Gastric-mungkin sebab painkiller.
- Jantung berdegup perlahan
-selepas kerja keras 2 hari..
masa ni jantung saya cuma
berdegup 56 beats per minute,
kalau dikira sudah bradycardia tu...
tapi hanya sementara ja..untuk beberapa minggu..
bagi masa untuk badan kamu menyesuaikan diri.
Injection 2 kali.1 injection Intramuscular,1
lagi Intravenous...haha!Anyway, saya puas hati...
sebab dah conquer Gunung Kinabalu.... !!!!
telefon masih berfungsi ( service masih ada ) :)
membaca pengalaman saya :)
~The greatest pleasure in life is
Doing something that people say
you cannot do ~ : Prove it,they are wrong !!
MAU BAliKKkkkkk!
Life 0
Adui, punyalah rindu sama family,my fiancee
and kawan-kawan...and yang paling utama,
boring sudah di sini. Mau balikkkkkkkk!!!
Petang ni sa buka buku,teringat dengan exam
yang tidak lama lagi. Tefikir tentang research
yang belum separuh jalan...Mentor pun susah
mo jumpa. Case study yang masih terumbang-ambing,
Belum lagi ATLS dengan viva...Cepatlah...
sa mo balik sudah ni betul2...
sa nda sabar mo balik....
Job, Jururawat, Nurse 0"Please, help my son! He is dying!" - a middle aged man screamed as he entered the emergency room.
I looked up and saw one little boy age of nine in his arm with so much blood on his body. The blood is whooshing from the boy's body ... at this point, I'm not sure where it's coming from. Oh, God!
I guided the father to resuscitation room or red zone. Alerted the doctor and got help from ward's staff. Gave patient oxygen and set up all the cardiac monitor and blood pressure cuff. While doing everything I realize that there was a huge, deep, and open trauma on his back at the scapula region. I can see through it.
I instructed the hospital assistant to help me press the wound to stop the bleeding. As I helped the doctor in assisting him in intubation. At this point, I thought only a miracle can stop the bleeding. A few minutes felt like hours - "Where is the other staff?"
"Please I need help! I need someone to set the IV cannula! This boy is losing so much blood!" After successful intubation, I gave chest compression while the father was helping in giving manual ventilation through bag ventilation mask - with a lot of tears in his eyes while the doctor is trying to get vein for IV. An RN arrived, she stepped back after seeing so much blood. "Sorry, I can't stand to see all the blood." I was shocked when the words came out from her mouth.
"Oh, My God! Help me please. Get me someone else!"
Being new RN grad and working in this small center makes me have to work on myself really hard with a little experience. On that day, I'm working afternoon shift with two hospital assistant and one medical officer and it's on a holiday! I'm putting all my knowledge and what I learn through the three years of nursing school and clinical.
The center that hired me is small but have a BIG sign of EMERGENCY 24 HOURS outside of the building with a bright light and you can saw it from 1000 meter far but the facilities and staffing is poor. That condition put my career and other patient's life in danger.
I just graduated 8 month ago from nursing school and have only 6 months of working experience and they put me as in charge RN all by my own with one doctor and a hospital assistant who doesn't even know how to take blood pressure.
This boy could have been saved if a proper management, fluid resuscitation, and controlling the bleeding by binding and compressing the wound. When the doctor gave instructions to stop the resuscitation I couldn't hold my tears.
Now, after four years in nursing I never forget what happened on that day. I still think about the RN who chose not enter the resuscitation room cause of the bloody body. I remember blaming the hospital management for their poor management and staffing. I even blamed myself for the lack of knowledge and experience I had. I learned from his father that his son was hit by a car while cycling in their resident area and that day was the boy's birthday.
Being a nurse and by choosing this career, we must be aware that we will be responsible for saving people. We need to accept that seeing blood is routine. Please don't sacrifice another person's life by choosing this career if you do not have the stomach for it.
For those newly graduated RN, you will be facing 1001 kind of cases and incident through your career. Some will make you feel inadequate. Never give up. It's just another way for you to learn - to become a great nurse. Go on and never stop learning!
I quit from the hospital and looking for new job at well organized center. Now, I'm in the middle of taking my Advance Emergency Medical Trauma Care certification and I never forget the incident that happen on that day. From that day, I promised myself to become the best nurse that I can be. A nurse who can handle any emergency conditions and save lives.
This is an article I copy from
Hope this story can motivate the new nurses or nurse wannabe ;)
BuBBle and caNNula
Jururawat, misi, Nurse 0
Apa guna Injection port pada cannula?
1.Giving Iv injection.
2.Flushing the cannula
3.Remove bubble or air from the infusion set (connected to drip)------- WHAT????
Well, answer 1 and 2 is correct but how about no.3??
Have someone told you this before?
Have you seen someone do this before?
kononnya releasing the air out from the cannula through the injection port by open it and wait for the bubble go through it..NONSENSE!
No nursing school teach,
Dear Nurses out there who practicing this or saw someone practicing this..this is wrong practice and it is now spreading like an infectious disease.